Privacy Policy & Important Notices The competition office (Association Debussy au Japon, hereinafter referred to as "the Office") is committed to protecting personal information obtained and used in its operations (**including names, email addresses, phone numbers, addresses, and other personally identifiable information, hereinafter referred to as "Personal Information"). The Office establishes the following policies and strives to implement necessary measures while continuously maintaining and improving them.
- 1. Purpose of Use of Personal Information: The Office will use Personal Information only within the necessary scope of business operations, such as responding to inquiries and providing services.
- 2. Management of Personal Information: The Office will take preventive and security measures to protect Personal Information from unauthorized access, alteration, destruction, loss, or leakage.
- 3. Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties: The Office will not provide Personal Information to third parties except in the following cases
- With the consent of the individual
- When required by law
- When outsourcing operations related to the competition
- 4. Disclosure, Correction, and Deletion of Personal Information: If an individual or their representative requests the disclosure, correction, or deletion of their Personal Information, the Office will respond within a reasonable scope after confirming the individual's identity. However, requests may be denied if they harm the interests of third parties or significantly hinder the Office’s operations.
- 5. Improvement of Privacy Policy: The Office complies with relevant laws regarding Personal Information and will review and improve this policy as necessary.
Other Important Matters Regarding Competition Participation
- - Visa Acquisition:
• Participants are responsible for obtaining any visas required for entry into Japan.
• If any necessary documents are required, participants must promptly notify the Office.
• The Office cannot guarantee visa issuance. Even if a visa is not granted and the participant is
unable to travel to Japan, the participation fee will not be refunded.
- - Insurance & Liability:
• The Office is not responsible for any physical, material, or mental damage caused or suffered by participants during the competition or any affiliated events.
• Participants are required to obtain their own insurance at their own discretion.
- - Copyright:
• All rights to performances, interviews, events, concerts, and public lessons held during the competition belong to the Office.
• The Office reserves the right to broadcast, record, and distribute performances via radio, television, and the internet, regardless of the purpose.
• The Office also holds the right to record and photograph performances for the production, distribution, and sale of printed materials, CDs, and DVDs.
• Participants cannot request individual deletion or mosaic processing of recorded material. By participating in the competition, they automatically consent to all recordings and photography.
- - Protection of Personal Information:
• Collected Personal Information will be managed in accordance with Japanese law and used solely for the operation of the competition.
- - Compliance with Laws:
• Japanese tax laws apply to all financial support, prize money, and appearance fees awarded to participants.
Important Notices
- - If an inquiry exceeds a reasonable length, is excessively frequent, or demonstrates a lack of comprehension, the Office may refuse further correspondence.
- - Any defamatory remarks, verbal abuse, violence, intimidation, harassment of competition officials, jury members, results, or staff, or actions that excessively disrupt competition operations—including spreading defamatory content on the internet or social media—will result in immediate termination of correspondence.
- - If deemed necessary, the Office may take legal action, permanently ban the individual from participation, revoke competition prizes, and seek compensation for damages.